Harry a Meghan prekvapili: Sťahujú sa z Londýna

NETKY.SK • 26 November 2018, 14:03 • 2 min
Harry a Meghan prekvapili: Sťahujú sa z Londýna

Harry a Meghan už nechcú bývať s princom Williamom a Kate.


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Princa Harryho a Meghan Markleovú čaká obdobie plné zmien. Na jar sa ich rodina rozrastie o nového člena. Na svoje prvé dieťa sa obaja veľmi tešia. To, že sa z nich stanú rodičia ale nebude jediné, čo sa zmení. Vojvodkyňa a vojvoda zo Sussexu sa totiž rozhodli pre radikálny krok. Začiatkom roka sa sťahujú preč z Londýna.



Meghan a Harry momentálne bývajú v Nottingham Cottage v areáli Kensingtonského paláca v susedstve vojvodovho staršieho brata Williama a jeho manželky Kate. To im však nevyhovuje. Problémom pritom údajne nie sú vzťahy, ale práve ruch veľkomesta a centrum pozornosti, ktorej sú monarchovia na tomto mieste vystavení. Ako Harry a Meghan uviedli, nechcú svoje deti vychovávať na očiach médií a verejnosti, preto sa rozhodli utiahnuť do skromnejšieho sídla Frogmore Cottage vo Windsore.




Takýto krok si Harry na rozdiel od svojho brata môže dovoliť, nakoľko je až šiestym v poradí čo sa týka následníctva na trón. William je druhým následníkom trónu, preto sa, žiaľ, nemôže o svojom bydlisku rozhodovať tak slobodne ako Harry. Vo svojom postavení totiž musí dodržiavať oveľa prísnejšie pravidlá kráľovského protokolu.



Another look at Frogmore Cottage and the gardens around it. Windsor Castle is very visible from there. How wonderful for Harry and Meghan to wake up to that sight! Some facts I dug up: 1. The cottage was built by Queen Charlotte and was used by her daughters. 2. The gardens were laid out in the 1790s by Queen Charlotte's Vice-Chamberlain and before that time the gardens had been flat, with no ornamental water. He created the winding lakes, wooded mounds, glades, walks and bridges in the Picturesque style. 3. Queen Charlotte had a passionate interest in botany and introduced over 4,000 trees and shrubs to create a picturesque landscape. The historic plantings, including tulip trees and redwoods, provide a rich setting for the garden's seasonal variations, today. 4. The Mausoleum of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert stand on the west side of the gardens. The Queen and Prince had long planned to have a mausoleum, and within four days of Prince Albert's death in December 1861 The Queen had chosen a site. The foundation stone was laid by The Queen in March 1862 and was ready for Albert's body in December, although the elaborate internal decorations were not finished until 1871. The external design of the Mausoleum is based on the Italian style of the thirteenth century. The Queen directed that as much as possible of the painting and sculpture inside should be in the manner of Raphael, whom Prince Albert regarded as the greatest artist of all time. Queen Victoria regularly visited the Mausoleum, and an annual service was held there on 14 December, the date of Albert's death. When The Queen died in January 1901 her body was placed there alongside that of her husband. (Part 1) Video source: EnglandsBuildings/YouTube

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